SEBUAH harga setiap pergaulan

SEBUAH harga setiap pergaulan
ahhaha ga (becanda)

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Relative Pronoun
A relative pronoun "relates" a subordinate clause to the rest of the sentence. It may be found in adjective and noun clauses.
A relative pronoun is found only in sentences with more than one clause.
In modern English there are five relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom, and whose.
All but that can also be interrogative pronouns. That may also be a demonstrative pronoun.
In addition, these pronouns may take the suffixes -ever and -soever.
Examples (relative pronouns italicized):
He who laughs last laughs best. (Adjective clause)
I cannot believe that he said it. (Noun clause)
Introduction and General Usage in Defining Clauses
Summary: This handout provides detailed rules and examples for the usage of relative pronouns (that, who, whom, whose, which, where, when, and why).
Contributors:Russell Keck, Elizabeth Angeli
Last Edited: 2010-10-14 04:32:08
The most common relative pronouns are who/whom, whoever/whomever, whose, that, and which. (Please note that in certain situations, "what," "when," and "where" can function as relative pronouns.) Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses, which connect adjectival and adverbial dependent clauses to a main clause. Adjectival and adverbial dependent clauses modify a word, phrase, or idea in the main clause. The word, phrase, or idea modified is called the antecedent. In the following examples, that and whom modify the subject:
The house that Jack built is large.

The professor, whom I respect, recently received tenure.
The type of clause determines what kind of relative pronoun to use. Generally, there are two types of relative clauses: restrictive (defining) clause and non-restrictive (non-defining) clause. In both types of clauses, the relative pronoun can function as a subject, an object, or a possessive pronoun ("whose").
Relative Pronouns in Restrictive Relative Clauses
Relative pronouns that introduce a restrictive relative clause ARE NOT separated from the main clause by a comma. Restrictive relative clauses (also known as defining relative clauses) add essential information about the antecedent in the main clause. The information is crucial for understanding the sentence's meaning correctly and cannot be omitted. In other words, without the restrictive relative clause, the sentence does not make sense.
The table below sums up the use of relative pronouns in restrictive relative clauses:
Function in
the sentence Reference to
People Things / concepts Place Time Explanation
Subject who, that which, that
Object (that, who, whom)* (which, that)* where when what/why
Possessive whose whose, of which
Relative pronouns used as a subject of a restrictive relative clause:
This is the house that had a great Christmas decoration.

It took me a while to get used to people who eat popcorn during the movie.
Relative pronouns used as an object in a restrictive relative clause:
1) As can be seen from the table, referring to a person or thing, the relative pronoun may be omitted in the object position, but formal English includes the relative pronoun. When the relative pronoun is the object of a preposition, which is used instead of that, for example, "in which," "for which," "about which," "through which," etc. (please see the third example below):
Formal English: This is the man to whom I wanted to speak  and whose name I had forgotten.
Informal English: This is the man (whom/that) I wanted to speak and whose name I'd forgotten.

Formal English: The library did not have the book that I wanted.
Informal English: The library didn't have the book I wanted.

Formal English: This is the house where/in which I lived when I first came to the US.
Informal English: This is the house I lived in when I first came to the US.
2) In American English, whom is not used very often. "Whom" is more formal than "who" and is very often omitted while speaking:
Grammatically Correct: The woman to whom you have just spoken is my teacher.
Conversational Use: The woman you have just spoken to is my teacher.
The woman who you have just spoken to is my teacher.
However, "whom" may not be omitted if preceded by a preposition because the relative pronoun functions as the object of the preposition:
The visitor for whom you were waiting has arrived.
Relative pronouns used as a possessive in a restrictive relative clause:
Whose is the only possessive relative pronoun in English. The antecedent of "whose" can be both people and things:
The family whose house burnt in the fire was immediately given a complimentary suite in a hotel.

The book whose author won a Pulitzer has become a bestseller.
Relative Pronouns in Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses
Although similar in use, relative pronouns that introduce a non-restrictive relative clauses ARE separated from the main clause by a comma (in most instances). Typically, which is the preferred relative pronoun for indicating that a relative clause is non-restrictive. Non-restrictive relative clauses (also known as non-defining relative clauses) provide non-essential information about the antecedent in the main clause. The information is not crucial for understanding the sentence's meaning correctly and can be omitted without affecting the sentence's meaning. In other words, non-restrictive relative clauses are an aside that add extra information.
Relative pronouns used as a subject of a non-restrictive relative clause:
The science fair, which lasted all day, ended with an awards ceremony.

The movie turned out to be a blockbuster hit, which came as a surprise to critics.
Relative pronouns used as an object in a non-restrictive relative clause:
The sculpture, which he admired, was moved into the basement of the museum to make room for a new exhibit.

The theater, in which the play debuted, housed 300 people.
"That" vs. "Who" and "Which"
The relative pronoun that can only be used in restrictive clauses. It can also be substituted for who (referring to persons) or which (referring to things) in informal English. Whereas that is often used while speaking, who and which are more common in formal written English.
Conversationl, Informal: William Kellogg was the man that lived in the late 19th century and had some weird ideas about raising children.
Written, Formal: William Kellogg was the man who lived in the late 19th century and had some weird ideas about raising children.
Conversational, Informal: The café that sells the best coffee in town has recently been closed.
Written, Formal: The café, which sells the best coffee in town, has recently been closed.
Some Special Uses of Relative Pronouns in Restrictive Clauses
that / who
When referring to people, both that and who can be used in informal language. "That" may be used to refer to the characteristics or abilities of an individual or a group of people:
He is the kind of person that/who will never let you down.

I am looking for someone that/who could give me a ride to Chicago.
However, when speaking about a particular person in formal language, who is preferred:
The old lady who lives next door is a teacher.

The girl who wore a red dress attracted everybody's attention at the party.
that / which
There are several cases when that is more appropriate than which:
1) After the pronouns "all," "any(thing)," "every(thing)," "few," "little," "many," "much," "no(thing)," "none," "some(thing)":
The police usually ask for every detail that helps identify the missing person.

Dessert is all that he wants.
2) After the noun modified by an adjective in the superlative degree:
This is the best resource that I have ever read!

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


Bahasa Pemrograman Apa Yang Terbaik?
Pertanyaan ini memang sering diungkapkan dan diajukan. Tapi, jawabnya tidak semudah yang kita bayangkan. Karena setiap bahasa memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan masing-masing. Bahasa pemrograman yang terbaik adalah bahasa pemrograman yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Pascal adalah bahasa yang terstruktur dengan baik dan sangat mudah untuk dibaca. Karena itu, jika anda adalah pemula, penulis menganjurkan untuk mempelajari bahasa Pascal terlebih dahulu, walaupun tidak memiliki sedinamis bahasa C++.
Selain itu pula, ada beberapa hal harus anda perhatikan dalam memilih bahasa pemrograman yang sesuai dengan anda, antara lain carilah bahasa pemrograman yang cocok dengan tipe prosesor anda, panjang dan pendek kode dari program yang akan anda buat, seberapa besar daya jangkauan hasil akhir dari program yang akan anda buat, platform sistem operasi yang akan digunakan, dan terakhir sangat bergantung pada tingkat keahlian dari anda sebagai programmer.

Hardware: Perangkat Keras
Software: Perangkat Lunak
Brainware: Pengguna

1.Hardware, perangkat keras terbagi menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu: Input, Proses, Output.
2.Software, perangkat lunak terbagi 2 bagian yaitu: Sistem operasi, Sistem aplikasi.
3.Brainware, pengguna terbagi 3 bagian yaitu: User, Programer, Analis.

Hardware computer adalah perangkat keras yang terdapat dirangkaian computer dan berfungsi hampir seluruhnya namun semua tetap bergantung juga pada software atau perangkat lunak. HARDWARE dibagi menjadi 3 tahap, yaitu: INPUT, PROSES & OUTPUT

1.        INPUT adalah bagian dari hardware yang berfungsi sebagai alat atau perangkat yang memasukkan data melalui sensor-sensor pada bagian tertentu yang memiliki fungsi tertentu untuk diproses dan ditampilkan atau diwujudkan ke hardware output.       INPUT juga dibagi lagi jadi beberapa jenis, yaitu:
Text Devices
Pointing Devices
Composite Devices
Audio, Image and Video Devices

2.        PROSES adalah suatu proses dimana setelah melakukan perintah pada alat input kemu-
Dian akan ditanmpilkan atau diterjemahkan oleh alat-alat output maka akan melalui sebuah proses. Alat-alat nya : Processor, Chipset, Ram, Graphic Processing Unit (GPU), Sound Card.

3.     OUTPUT adalah hardware yang berfungsi sebagai penampil data setelah diproses. Berikut contohnya:
Monitor : 
adalah sebuah perangkat yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan gambar yang telah di proses di dalam GPU agar dapat kita lihat dan kita nikmati.
Speaker :
berfungsi sebagai pembicara suara setelah di proses oleh sound card agar dapat kita nikmati, faktor speaker tidak lah seberapa penting jika kita gunakan hanya untuk mengetik atau programming saja.
Printer :
adalah perangkat output yang bekerja menampilkan teks dalam bentuk fisik.

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Di JEC (jogja expo center), di selenggarakan mulai tanggal 2_6 oktober 2010
Pameran tersebut menampilkan berbagai macam accesoris IT yang mempunyai banyak produk  contohnya seperti LAPTOP,KOMPUTER,PRINTER,MOTHERBOARD,MOUSE dll, dengan berbagai merek contoh nya Samsung,Accer,Lenovo,Hp dll.

Dihari pertama penyelenggaraan itu sangat ramai seperti gratisan semua barang . . juga dilaksanakan REKOR MURI untuk 100.000 Jempol.

Jaman sekarang IT itu sudah merasuk kesemua pelosok masyarakat oleh karena itulah semua orang berbondong-bondong untuk datang kesana membeli atau melihat-lihat saja, termasuk kami kelas F informatika UII . . ini dia foto nya 

Di JEC (jogja expo center), di selenggarakan mulai tanggal 2_6 oktober 2010
Pameran tersebut menampilkan berbagai macam accesoris IT yang mempunyai banyak produk  contohnya seperti LAPTOP,KOMPUTER,PRINTER,MOTHERBOARD,MOUSE dll, dengan berbagai merek : sePerti Samsung,Apple,Sony,Lenovo dll.

Dihari pertama penyelenggaraan itu sangat ramai seperti gratisan semua barang . . juga dilaksanakan REKOR MURI untuk 100.000 Jempol.
Jaman sekarang IT itu sudah merasuk kesemua pelosok masyarakat oleh karena itulah semua orang berbondong-bondong untuk datang kesana membeli atau melihat-lihat saja, termasuk kami kelas F informatika UII . . ini dia foto nya